Effective and Modern Corporate
Security Solutions
The details of providing these services are discussed with each client on a case by case basis. An analysis and evaluation of the possible sources of information is made, and a time and fee schedule is provided.
The company holds a license to work with sources of ionizing radiation for the purpose of technical maintenance, assembly, disassembly, construction, repairs and services including:
Activities with radioactive Technical Control Devices (TCD) for economic, scientific or inspection purposes;
Application of radiation monitoring programs for personal dosimetric control in industrial sites;
Requirements for ensuring physical protection.
The company holds license № 519 / 05.04.2016 permitting it to carry out of activities under Art. 129, par. 2, item 1 - 5 of the Ministry of Interior Act.
The license is valid throughout the country and includes: Fire Safety systems, as well as hosting of events for preventive and organizational measures at various sites:
Determining the different classes, categories, groups and areas of fire and explosive hazard for buildings and facilities in accordance with the rules and regulations for Fire Safety;
Fire prevention inspections;
Fire control;
Identifying the possible reasons for the occurrence and spread of fires and proposing measures to increase the level of Fire Safety;
Site preparation for successful evacuation and firefighting;
Drafting documents for creating and insuring the Fire Safety organization of various sites in accordance with the rules and regulations for FS in the operation of said sites;
Information and awareness raising activities on issues related to FS;
Conducting Fire Safety trainings under Ordinance № RD-07-2 (year 2009) in accordance with the terms and conditions for carrying out periodic trainings and instructions of workers and employees on the rules for ensuring health and safety at work (SG, issue 102 of 2009).
Constructing systems for physical protection of:
credit and financial institutions;
industrial sites;
commercial sites;
sites and areas with high level of security;
ground and underground communication channels;
cash centers;
back-up and rehabilitation centers;
data storage centres;
sites and activities of strategic importance.
Construction of protective systems for sites against direct access of drones and helicopters.
Set up of corporate security systems in organizations.
Auditing of security systems.
Establishing models for data protection.
Implementation of DLP systems.
Staff recruitment.
International trade in arms and dual-use items and technologies (DUIT):
Issuance of licenses for trade with arms and/or DUIT;
Contacting companies and organizations which produce, store and/or trade in arms and DUIT;
Preparing and signing of contracts for international arms trades.
The company holds private security license № 2975 / 03.05.2016. It is valid throughout the country and includes:
Personal guarding of individuals;
Guarding of the property of individuals or corporate bodies;
Guarding of events;
Guarding of valuable consignments and cargo;.
Our mission is to work for the success of each of our clients by exclusively providing effective and modern solutions related to corporate security in all of its aspects.
The company is new on the market, but we, the shareholders, and the operational management, are known in the professional community both in Bulgaria and abroad. Being members of various international security organizations over the past 20 years has allowed us to know with certainty the best international practices and standards. Active participation in international workshops held by these organizations has granted us with the opportunity to see and get acquainted with modern security systems in some of the most closely guarded sites of the world.
The company's policy is focused at striking a balance between the different elements and stages of the process of establishing security. It allows us to assist and support the business of our partners.
Our ambition is to deliver only quality services to customers who value a safe and sustainable business environment to develop their companies.
We refuse to compromise with the modern safety standards or to provide services at prices that do not allow us to provide decent wages to our employees.
In order to recruit employees that can perform the various activities our company needs we use the most advanced methods such as negative and positive screening, psychological evaluation, tests for loyalty and analytical skills.
The Company maintains contractual relationships with leading companies possessing the necessary qualifications and ability to install and maintain all known technical security systems.


The company holds private security license № 2975 / 03.05.2016
The company holds license № 519 / 05.04.2016 permitting it to carry out activities under Art. 129, par. 2, item 1 - 5 of the Ministry of Interior Act.

72, Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd., Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 32 260 622 Mobile: +359 884 545 541
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